In 1942, a fire devastated Martin Matsbo's wax plant in Malung, leading to a collaboration with Børje. With input from chemists and researchers, they extensively tested ski waxes. By 1945, after 6,000 trials, they realized a universal wax was impractical, leading to the birth of the first range adapted for diverse conditions, distinguished by SWIX colors.
In 1948, SWIX faced initial resistance selling ski waxes in Norway. Yet, elite Norwegian skiers' adoption and Olympic gold medallists using SWIX wax built its reputation. The slogan "Based on tests and scientific thoroughness" made SWIX a national identity. Evolving from five waxes, SWIX became a global brand, offering universal to advanced formulations. The Swix Caribou Collection, crafted in Montreal, caters to North American outdoor enthusiasts, showcasing SWIX's global expansion.